
Showing posts from September, 2016

Sound video LR

LR for sound video Interesting choice of music but the initial thought is that in term of the feel it isn't completely parallel until the lyrics kick in.  Selection of the images is good and consistent and the fact several contrapuntal images get a laugh is a very good sign. Video may be added to evocative the song choice. To short. My own LR Could of added videos what it flow better When changing fro parallel and contrapuntal, it wasn't a big enough change for the audience. The music i added took to long for the audience to understand what was parallel and what wasn't. My top videos in the class The first person that i will compare my work to is Ratna. At the being of the clip, the the mise-en-scene of the video was parallel to the music used. It has lot of romantic clip from movies that comportment the song very good.However, in my opinion the very first clip of the mountains didn't fit the song as it was more relaxing than romantic. Also, i...

Film Noir

The Maltese Falcon  Film noir is  a style or genre of cinematographic film marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, and menace.


In my opinion it is a high key light as you can see everything in the shot. It has a lot of shadows because of the back light as well as using filter light to soften the shadows. By having a shadow on her face, it give her a mysterious look. It could be to show two different part of herself to confuse the audience. In my opinion it is a low key light as you can only see light coming from one direction. It is using a top light as you can see her face but not here body. This could to show how glamorous see is. As most of the poster is dark, it is associated with horror. In my opinion it is a high key light as you can see everything in the shot but there are still some shadow below this face. This make the character seem more realistic and dramatic to add tension. In my opinion it is a high key light as well as low key lighting. You can see everything in the shot to make it look realistic but there is a lot of strong contrasts from the top light and the dark creates a drama...

A level Media sound video


Poster analysised


Video Analysis

The whole clip is in black and white. The black, which is linked with  mysterious  colour  that is typically associated with the unknown or the negative is used allot. At 46seconds, you can see an blurred figure behind the the lady with create mystery. When the face is revealed, you cant see the detail but can still see the silhouette. When the unknown figure is stabbing, the audience cant see the stabbing happening. The audience will have to infer from the movement and the blood what is going on. Near the end, you see the water is spiralling and fades to the women's eye when show that her eye are empty. When watching the whole trailer, you Can tell that it is a fast pest video. The trailer start a medium shot of a cars back. When the lights turned on, it creates mystery and keeps the audience guessing. At 2 seconds, you see the sun coming out which could suggest that the three presenters are back from television after a long time. The trailer has a lot of col...


The light behind the main character Rick Deckard could suggest they are outer space and the light is the sun. But, it could be to show him as a godly figure as he is the hero in the film. By have the women below him and with less area could evoke that she is less important as well as showing him as a dominate figure. In addition, he is holding sc-fi gun which could apply that the movie is an action movie. You can also tell from there face expression that it is an action movie as they look serious. moreover, you can tell that it is a scfi movie as from the bottom of the poster there is a flying car. You can also tell from the font that they were trying to make it look futurist.  From the dark colour you can infer that the movie mostly going to be about negativity and give and a bad mood. The light coming out from the centre could be a fire however, could be show how busy the area is. In 1980 this movie was targeted mostly at teenager as audience wanted what the future was ...