Cinematography---Star Wars

I have decided to use Star Wars opening scene for 1977. The very first clips used in the opening sequence is credits and an introduction from text on-screen. it summarises what has happened in the past so all the audience is at the same point.
After that, the camera tilts downwards to give an establishing shot so the audience watching knows the setting which is outer space. Following that, from the top right you see a star cruiser which will assure the audience that the movie is SI-FI . A few second after that we see a large spacecraft that is shot for a low angle of the ship. This means that the size different from the two is immense as it takes half of the screen when the first spacecraft only took a small area.
The next shot, which is still an establishing shot, put the audience right in front of the action so they release that there is some sort of conflict happening. The bigger craft is always shown from a low angle to show the power that it has over the small craft.
After the explosion, they use a tracking shot for 3 characters to show that they are running away from danger. In this scene, we are introduced to the characters but not told anything about them from the scene so we don't feel any bond to them right now. As it changed to the tracking shot, the camera shakes which suggests that they are in the smaller air craft.
The next shot is a pan from right to left showing soldiers running to help so the audience knows that there is something wrong. Afterwards, we are back in the same tracking shot but this time they are having a conversation so they zoom into a medium shot . This is because the audience feels that they are in the conversation with the robots. While this is happening, we still see in the background people running so the audience knows that it is an emergency.
A few shots after, we get an over the shoulder shot with a soldier. This makes the audience feel that they are with the soldier waiting to see who it is that destroyed the spacecraft.
The next couple of shots are clips of the uncertain soldier. They use the long shot to show that all of the soldiers are confused and a medium shot to get face expression of them.
The next shot is an establishing shot of the small craft going into the huge one. This again reinforces that the power of whoever own the bigger craft is extreme frighting. After this, there are continuous amounts of long and medium shots from the door to the soldiers for action code that is about to happen. This carries on when they start to fight.
After this point, there are lots of still shot and no movement. In my opinion, this is so the audience isn't distracted from the mise-on-scene.
